I bought this at Pangaea Two Brews Cafe for $18.99 for a 22oz bottle. Yes $18.99. Alpine is a very good brewery, but it does not distribute north of Los Angeles County. So, the owner of Pangaea drives to San Diego and picks up cases himself.
The beer pours a golden blond color with a thick fizzy head that soon dissipates and leaves thin lacings. The aroma is very subtle, it has that pilsner aroma of bready malts, with hints of fruity hops, but nothing powerful. The taste is the sweet bready Pils malt up front, followed by a tropical fruit hops, and finishing like a traditional lager with bready sweet notes. The hops are flavorful and not anymore bitter than the usual Nobel hops used in traditional pilsners. Emerson uses New Zealand hops. The body is light and creamy with good carbonation (its bottled conditioned).

After the Belgium craze dies down folks will focus on other European traditional beers - German/Czech Lagers and British Ales. I think you will see more experimental lagers like Emerson emerging. So get in on the ground floor and see where this experimentation goes.
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